Friday, 8 April 2016

Virat Kohli wants to be a business man

Virat Kohli wants to be a business man

Virat Kohli wants to be a business man After becoming a class dynamic star batsman virat kohli want to be a successful business man. So he had planned to business. He was investing in this business 90 core so he had 30% shears in this business and the business he wants to start that is Fitness Company and the company name is chisel. It is one of the biggest projects so it is required 200 cores. it will be done by the partnership and it will invested by virat and the successful Bangalore business man. And this project will completed in 2018 and the company were plan to start in all over India 75 branches it will be started in first silicon city Bangalore. And virat has confident in this business he had other two three business but it is the one of the biggest business for him. All we will pray he will success in his business and also in his cricket carrier.

promo vedio of virat